How to earn more traffic with semantic SEO than with any other SEO strategy

February 18, 2021 - 3  min reading time - by Rebecca Berbel
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Topical Authority and Semantic SEO will be discussed more frequently with the concept of Structured Search Engine in the coming years. Learn how to build connected semantic SEO content and grow your organic traffic faster than with any other SEO strategy.

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Is Google really a semantic search engine?

Evidence from developments over the past ten years and from Google patents says yes. The semantic web, or the connections between the meanings of things, is built on principles Google uses, like the Knowledge Graph, semantic markup, and NLP (from neural matching to models like BERT).

Your semantic SEO goal

Gain topical authority for your site’s subject by creating a content network for every “sub-topic”, for every possible question, within contextual relevancy and hierarchy with logical internal links and anchor texts. This content network must be extremely detailed, entity-oriented, organized and comprehensive; this allows every successful piece of content to increase the chance of success of other content for connected entities and related queries.

What is topical authority?

Topical authority in the eyes of a semantic search engine is when a source provides information for an entity, all of its attributes, and all of its contexts, as well as referencing connected entities.

There are two types of types of connections, and both are necessary:
Ontology: Connections between entities through shared attributes (similar things)
Taxonomy: Connections between entities by how they are arranged in a classification hierarchy (the same type of thing)

Topical Authority = [How much of the topic and its connections you cover] × [How long you have been covering the topic]

Does it work?

Case studies using this semantic SEO method: from 10K to 200K+ clicks per month (+1100%) in 145 days from 0 to 330K clicks per month and 10K+ clicks per day in 6 months
[undisclosed] Azerbaijani website: from 10K to 70K clicks per month (+600%) in 5 months
[undisclosed] Arabic-language website: +400% growth in 6 months, despite no Arab-language SEO expertise

Theory, method, and case studies by Koray Tuğberk GÜBÜR, Founder of Holistic SEO & Digital.

Build connected semantic SEO content for your website in 15 steps

1. Before you write any content, gather information about your entities, topics and related topics and queries from competitors, Google, other search engines, offline sources…
2. Determine how many links to place on each page to connect topics and entities.
3. Use count, words, and position to determine relevant and natural anchor texts for directly related topics, and place links to side-topics in the last few paragraphs only.
4. Identify all of the different angles for covering a topic and fill the gaps between different topics and entities.
5. Decide how many pieces of content to write and publish, and whether pieces will cover one topic or context, or several. To plan and budget, your client needs to know this, too!
6. Create URL categories and a URL hierarchy to make it easier for a search engine to understand your website.
7. Make sure your topical hierarchy and URL hierarchy match to show better topical authority and expertise.
8. Signal the main angle and topic of the content with heading vectors, semantic HTML, title tags, heading tags…
9. Connect related entities for a topic within a context: because of how they associate entities and analyze queries, search engines will have no other choice than to see you as a reliable source.
10. Generate questions and answers for possible search intents, even if no one has asked the question before, particularly if these questions help define the attributes of entities within the topic.
11. Find the information gap instead of the keyword gap. Google looks for unique information and lesser-known terms.
12. Stop caring about keyword volume or difficulty. Focus instead on creating a quality and understandable “educational book”.
13. Focus on topical authority with historical data to take the featured snippets for a topic.
14. Use NLP concepts to redefine how you ask your authors to write “SEO content”.
15. Involve your customers in SEO projects to take advantage of the IKEA effect, even when you propose theories that sound new or different to them.

Full details and theory:

Rebecca Berbel See all their articles
Rebecca is the Product Marketing Manager at Oncrawl. Fascinated by NLP and machine models of language in particular, and by systems and how they work in general, Rebecca is never at a loss for technical SEO subjects to get excited about. She believes in evangelizing tech and using data to understand website performance on search engines. She regularly writes articles for the Oncrawl blog.
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